Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

Hunting Many Things Part 1

Alhamdulillah several things already bought for my Wedz Gift...So far, the things that I already bought by my fiance's money :
1. Black High Heels with monte2 (Buccheri), Malioboro Mall
2. Khaki Bag (Vicari), Le Sands Collection Malioboro Mall
3. Black Bag (Gabino), Le Sands Collection Malioboro Mall
4. Green Bag (Bezzale), Centro Ambarukmo Plaza
5. Batik Sarimbit, Beringharjo Jogjakarta
6. Purple Lingerie (Tulip), Matahari Maliboro Mall
7. 1 Set Pink Bra n Underpants, Mirota Kampus Dept. Store
8. 2 Underpants (Wacoal), Centro Ambarukmo Plaza
9. Khaki Shoes (Austin), Otani Ambarukmo Plaza
10. Red Sandals (Flauratte), Matahari Galeria Mall

Hhhhmmmm need to buy many things again for my Wedz outfits, cosmetics, shawls n accessories, shower stuffs, pursue, pray stuffs, wedz rings, parfume, etc...Actually, I wanna buy one bag at Elizabeth Bag & Shoes Store ...again...ohhh please deee vivi...there were already so many bag right...hehehe...You know, the bag always surrounds in my mind till now...or maybe more sandals again it's ok hehehe..Is it OK honey???

I will write down the other my Wedz Gift soon..Thanks.. ^_^

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Preparing Everything

After my engagement ceremony on 3 of Sept 2011, we decided to choose March as our wedding ceremony n wedding party...Then counting the Java's date based on our birthday and the result is the wedding ceremony will be done on 23 of March 2012 and the wedding party will be done on 24 of March 2012..

As you know, that final date was through some process of changes..
1. My family decided : Wedding ceremony on 24 of March 2012 at 08.00 WIB and wedding party on 25 of March 2012 at 11.00 WIB.
2. Came to my fiance's family and they gave the opinion to made the event effective and efficient just in one day, then the date was changed : Wedding ceremony on 24 of March 2012 at 08.00 WIB and directly after that wedding party at 11.00 WIB.
3. After thinking and imagine the event will be done, my family change the date..again...because my family thought that doing 2 events in 1 time directly in one day is too fast, the preparation just have little time, and the time for taking the photos not too long n of course not enjoying the moment and not max..So the final date : the wedding ceremony will be done on 23 of March 2012 at 08.00 WIB and the wedding party will be done on 24 of March 2012 on 11.00 WIB..

Ok, my father already booked the building for wedding party in the end of September ...In early of October we already booked for the catering..The wedding souvenir already booked and now still in process..The time is passing very fast, we feel just only few times to prepare anything for the event on March..So we decided to use Wedding Organizer for my Wedding Solution..Yeaahhh we can breathe freshly because almost everything for the event will be handling by the WO..

The other things that have to prepare :
1. Invitation Card : already choose the design and will order the invitation card in the end of December 2011
2. My Wedding dress : in the process of making
3. The Uniforms for Besan, Among tamu and relatives : already bought
4. The Things for Srah-Srahan and Mas Kawin : still in process, one by one (my favorite activity hehe...)
5. Marriage paperwork : hhhmmm maybe on January

One thing that I love from him very much...He makes me feel free to choose all the things that I want to buy for Srah-Srahan as Wedding gifts..He just prepare and gave the money and I can buy anything I want...hehehehe...Thank u so much Papa Cnoopyku Rio Dhani...We will start for hunting the things this week..Yeeeyyyy... :)