Rabu, 25 April 2012

My Sista Engagement Event

My sister's engagement event was happened on March 22, 2012..at Thursday night...Alhamdulillah the event done with smoothly n success..Dad, mom, my sister, my big family, my new bro (my sist's fiance) n his big family felt happy for this event...So my sister nearly with her wedding...maybe next year after my wedding this year..In Java date, in one family can not have two wedding event in one Java year..though that existing rule, my mom have begin to make the plan for my sister's wedding..Insya Allah i will all out to help preparing the event..
These the pictures of my sister's engagement :

I just only publish few pictures from all the documentation in this entri... :D

Selasa, 24 April 2012


Long time no blogging....hihihi ternyata udh lebih satu bln ga nulis di blog...I'm a wife now....yuppp that's right, my husband is my ex boyfriend...Alhamdulillah perjalanan panjang hubungan pacaran selama 3 thn 7  bln berakhir jg seperti impian kami yaitu pernikahan...Setelah menikah memang rasanya masih kaku n canggung, sampe skrg pun rasanya masih ky pacaran aja krn LDR masih kami lakukan...Insya Allah secepatnya kami bisa berkumpul untuk seterusnya, menunggu sikon, waktu & tempat yg tepat...It's fine for us...kita tetap jaga komunikasi seperti dl, walo udh menikah ga ada yg berubah krn itu sbagai pondasi kuat kami dlm menjalani hubungan selama ini...

My last post was March 19, 2012...bcos after that date, so much things needs to prepare...for my lil sista engagement event on March 22, 2012 then my wedding ceremony on March 23, 2012 and the last my wedding party on March 24, 2012...Alhamdulillah all the events going success n all the people feel happy...

Wedding Ceremony :

Wedding Party :

Next post I will post the other pictures...thank u  :)